Privacy Policy
The site operator will make every effort, using available resources, to ensure user information’s confidentiality and prevent unauthorized access. The site operator employs one of the most advanced security systems currently available for websites. However, it is not possible to completely and definitively block and/or prevent unauthorized access to the databases, and the user will waive any claim and/or demand against the site operator in this regard, provided that the site operator has taken reasonable measures to prevent such unauthorized access.
During the use of the site, information about the pages and advertisements viewed by the user, the content that interested them, the time spent on the site, and the activities they performed on it will be collected. This information does not personally identify the user; therefore, the collected information is of a general statistical nature only. The site operator may retain this information and use it for its purposes following the limitations of these terms of use and applicable laws. The site operator may use the information collected about the user’s activity on the site to generate and analyze statistical data. The site operator may share such statistical data with third parties, provided that the data does not personally identify the user.
The site operator may disclose your information to third parties under certain circumstances, including but not limited to, if you breach the terms of this agreement or any additional agreement with the site operator or its representatives, or if the site operator or a third party receives a court order from an authorized authority requiring the disclosure of your information to a third party.
Cookie Policy
Cookie Policy Zman Asif LTD uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies as outlined in this policy: